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This guidance is in reference to the original audit module from Radar Healthcare. Support for this feature will end in April 2025. Please click here for more details

For the new audit tool please view our dedicated guidance here.

Reading time 6 mins



Once an audit has been completed it appears in a read-only state.  This allows you to view all the questions, answers, comments, attachments and actions associated with the audit.  Should amends be required it is possible to edit the audit to be able to repeat each step of the audit with the existing information remaining in place.


Viewing Completed Audits


  • To view all Audits, select Audits and then Audit List from the left-hand menu.
Audit List.


  • You are now taken to the 'Audit List'. What you see on this screen depends on your system permissions, you may see all audits across the organisation, or only for your own Location or Region. 


  • By default, this list will only include scheduled and in-progress audits. To view Completed Audits, select the 'Show completed' tab at the top right of the screen.
Show completed audits.


  • This will now display all audits.
Viewing all audits.


  • You can filter on the following using the filter icon on the top right-hand side of the page.  This contains the following options.
    • Template - the name of the audit itself, e.g. Health and Safety audit.
    • Type - this dictates the scoring and labelling thresholds.
    • Status - the progress of the audit.
      • Planned (scheduled for a future date).
      • Pending (not started or in progress but still within the due date).
      • Overdue (not yet completed and passed the due date).
      • Complete (all steps within the audit have been completed and the audit has been authorised).
    • Stage - this is the step within the audit that the user is currently on.
      • Not Started
      • Audit in Progress (answering questions and submitting the evidence)
      • Action Plan (creating and finalising the action plan)
      • Authorisation (questions and actions completed and waiting to be authorised)
      • Complete (everything completed and authorised)
      • Locked (the audit has been started on a mobile device via the Radar Healthcare App and cannot be unlocked until the results from the app have been uploaded back into Radar Healthcare)


  • Once you have found the audit you wish to view, select the audit from the list. 


  • This brings you to the 'Audit Summary' page. From here you can see the overall score achieved as well as all answers submitted, a record of who completed each stage of the audit and when, all actions linked to the audit and any description, summary or comments noted. 
Audit summary page.

Editing a Completed Audit


  • Once all the audit questions have been answered and the audit has moved past that initial step, the answers can only be changed by selecting 'Edit audit' at the top of the main summary screen.  
Edit audit icon.
  • This will take the Audit back to step one, as can be seen in the Status section at the bottom of the screen, and you can once again go through the audit questions to enter your answers and upload any required evidence.  
Audit Status


  • If you did not complete the initial audit step (for example, if you are the Authoriser), then you will not be able to amend the audit question answers without first re-assigning the audit to yourself. You can do this by selecting the pencil icon next to the name of the user assigned the audit.
Reassign an audit step.


  • Select your name from the list of users and reassign it.  If you are assigning to someone else select 'Send email notification' to let them know.
Reassigning an audit.
  • Once an audit has been edited, you will once again need to mark each of the three steps complete before the Audit as a whole will be marked as Complete. 


  • Any amends that have resulted in an Area for Improvement being revealed will require a new action to be created, however, if no new actions are required, the 'Complete action plan' button will appear as soon as the first step is marked as complete and all previously created actions will be retained. 


  • In order for the audit as a whole to be marked as Complete, the audit will need to be 'Authorised'. This is the case for all audits, including those that have previously been authorised but have now been edited.


Abandoning an Audit


  • Once an audit has been started, it can be abandoned by any user with the correct permissions. 


  • If abandoned, the audit will not be re-scheduled and any evidence logged and checks completed prior to the audit being abandoned will be removed.


  • To abandon an audit, from the Audit summary screen, select 'Abandon Audit'.
Abandon audit option.
  • You will be asked to enter a code and give a reason for abandoning the audit. 
Abandoning an audit.
  • Click Abandon to confirm.



I do not have the Audit icon on the side panel.


  • If you do not have the Audit menu item on the left-hand menu, you have not been given permission to view audits. If this is the case, please contact your System Administrator who will be able to grant you the required permissions if needed.

I cannot see the option to Edit Audit.


  • Only the user who has been assigned the audit and who has been given the relevant permissions by their System Administrator will be able to edit the answers to the questions.

How can I see the detail of an audit not assigned to me?


  • When an audit has been completed and authorised you'll be able to see all the details of the audit.


  • If the audit is in progress you can view the details of the audit questions by using the arrow symbols on the audit summary.
Expanding an audit.
  • If the audit is not assigned to you and you click on the Section or Requirement itself, rather than the arrow, you will receive the below message. Please ensure you click on the left-hand arrows. 

My Audit is Showing as "Locked"


  • If an audit has been downloaded to be completed offline via the Radar Audit Healthcare mobile app, then it will be showing as Locked in Radar Healthcare itself and you will not be able to make any changes or complete the audit in Radar Healthcare until the Audit has been re-uploaded by the user who downloaded it.


  • If the user who downloaded the audit is not able to re-upload it, or if the original device has been lost or damaged, the audit will need to be unlocked by Radar Healthcare Support. In such instances, please raise a support ticket to ask for the audit in question to be unlocked.