These are the definitions for terms related to audits, audit tags and audit failed questions. Visit our main Data dictionary page to learn more. And find out more about audits in our Community pages.
Term | Description |
_RecordStatus | The status of the audit. The possible options are 0 (archived) and 2 (active). |
Abandoned | Notes if the audit has been abandoned (typically before completion). |
AbandonReason | The reason why the audit was abandoned, from the comment typed by the user who abandoned it. |
ActionPlanEndDate | The date when the action plan associated to this audit was completed. |
ApprovedByUser | The name of the user who approved the audit. |
ApprovedDate | The date when the audit was approved. Approving an audit is a compliance step set when creating the audit. A choice is made at that point about whether the relevant line manager needs to approve the audit (to ensure there are no empty answers, for example) or whether users can approve their ow audits. |
AuditID | A code that identifies an audit, typically added at the end of the audit's URL. |
AuditsAwaitingApproval | Notes whether an audit is awaiting approval or authorisation. |
AuditsIncomplete | Notes whether an audit is still to be completed. |
AuditsSelfApproved | Notes whether an audit has been approved by the same user who answered the audit questions. |
AuditStage | The stage the audit is in. In legacy audits, the possible stages are: unknown, not started, locked, audit in progress, action plan required, action plan in progress, awaiting authorisation and audit complete. In the new enhanced audits, the possible stages are: not started, authorisation, action plan in progress, audit in progress, audit complete and audit closed. |
AuditsWithActionPlanRequired | The number of audits with an action plan associated to them. |
AuditsWithMajorNonConformities | The number of audit responses with major non-conformities or failures. These are defined when creating an audit. |
AuditsWithUnacceptableScore | The number of audits with a score lower than a set threshold. This threshold is set when creating an audit. |
AuditTypeName | The name of the score scheme or system for the audit. |
AuditUID | The main, unique number that identifies an audit. Audits are carried out by internal or external parties to ensure the accuracy, compliance and reliability of an organisation's financial records, transactions and processes. In the audit tables, you will find measures and options to create and carry out different types of audit for your organisation. |
CompletedByUser | The name of the user who completed the audit. |
CreatedDate | The date when the audit was created. |
DaysOverdue | The number of days after the due date it took to complete the audit. If the audit was not overdue, the value here is null. |
DueDate | The date when the audit is due to be completed. |
EndDate | The date when the audit was completed. |
EnhancedAuditFlag | Notes if the audit is standard or enhanced. |
IsConfidential | Notes if the audit is confidential. This field is used to show or hide confidential audit information. |
Location | The name of the location that this audit is associated with. |
LocationUID | A unique number that identifies the location that this audit is associated with, used for data security. |
NoCorrect | The number of positive answers in the audit. Positive answers, or passes, are defined when an audit is created and the scoring mechanism is selected. |
Organisation | The name of your organisation. |
OrganisationCode | A short code that identifies your organisation, used for data security. |
OrganisationId | A unique number that identifies your organisation, used for data security. |
OutstandingActionPlans | The number of action plans still to be completed for the audit. |
Owner | The name of the person who owns the audit. |
Region | The name of the region that this audit is associated with. |
RegionUID | A unique number that identifies the region that this audit is associated with. |
Result | The overall result of the audit. An audit's result is calculated from the scoring system and set when creating the audit. |
Reviewer | The name of the person with the role of reviewing the audit. |
Score | The overall score of the audit, calculated after the audit is complete and displayed as a percentage. |
StartDate | The date when the audit is due to start. |
Subject | The name of any custom list added to an audit. For example, service users, staff or locations. |
SubjectItem | The name of any custom list item added to an audit. For example, a service user, a member of staff or a location. |
TemplateName | The name of the audit. |
TimeToCompleteDays | The time it took to complete the audit, in days. |
TotalApplicableQuestions | The number of answered questions in the audit. These are questions with an answer other than "not applicable" or "n/a". |
WhenAbandoned | The date when the audit was abandoned. |
Audit tags
Term | Description |
AuditUID | The main, unique number that identifies an audit, used here to identify the relevant tags from the tag table. |
OrganisationCode | A short code that identifies your organisation, used for data security. |
Tag | The tags assigned to this audit. Tags are a way of grouping locations, documents or any other data together based on a theme. In reporting, tags can be used to filter data. |
TagSource | The place where the tag was created: form, location or region. |
TagType | The type of tag: module, location or region. |
Audit failed questions
Term | Description |
AuditUID | The main, unique number that identifies an audit, used here to display the relevant failed questions. |
CommentText | The comment that the user answering the audit wrote for the specified question. |
FailedQuestions | The number of failed questions in the audit. What is classed as failed is defined when the audit is created. |
FailedQuestionText | The text for the failed question. |
OrganisationCode | A short code that identifies your organisation, used for data security. |
PassedQuestions | The number of passed questions in the audit. What is classed as passed is defined when the audit is created. |
QuestionGUID | The main, unique number that identifies the question. |
Section name | The name of the audit section that the failed question belongs to. |
SectionTotalFailedQuestions | The number of failed questions in this section of the audit. |
SectionUID | The number that identifies a specific audit section. |
TotalApplicableQuestions | The number of questions in the audit that were answered with anything other than N/A. |
TotalAvailableQuestions | The number of questions in the audit. |