These are the definitions for terms related to events, event workflows, event tags and event tasks. Visit our main Data dictionary page to learn more. And find out more about events in our Community pages:
Term | Definition |
ClosedDateTime | The date when the event was resolved. If the event hasn't been resolved, the default value for this field is: 99991231. |
CompletedActionsPlans | The number of action plans completed for this event. |
DateTimeOfEvent | The date when the event happened. |
Dayoftheweek | The name of the day in which the event happened. For example, 1.Monday, 2.Tuesday, etc. |
DaysSinceLastEvent RaisedOfType | Number of days since the last event of this type was created. This number counts from the latest data refresh, which normally happens once a day. Note: The measure is DaysSinceLastEventRaisedOfType (there is a blank space in the previous column for display purposes only). |
DescriptionOfEvent | The description of the event. |
EventDayOfWeek | The day of the week the event happened. |
EventId | The unique number for an event added at the end of the Radar Healthcare URL. For example, the last 4 digits at the end of this fake URL would be the eventId: |
EventIsOpen | Notes if the event is still not resolved. |
EventSubType | The subtype of event. |
EventTime | The time the event happened. |
EventType | The type of event. |
EventUID | The main, unique number that identifies an event. Events, or incidents, are one of the key elements in your data. Typically, they are things like accidents, compliments, or complaints, but they can be anything that is relevant to your organisation. |
ImpactLevel | The impact or consequence of the event. |
IsConfidential | Notes if this this a confidential event. |
IsPositiveEvent | Notes if this this a positive event. |
LiklihoodLevel | The likelihood of the event happening. |
Location | The name of the location that this event is associated with. |
LocationUID | A unique number that identifies the location that this event is associated with, used for data security. |
Organisation | The name of your organisation. |
OrganisationCode | A short code that identifies your organisation, used for data security. |
OrganisationId | A unique number that identifies your organisation, used for data security. |
OrganisationKey | A unique number that identifies your organisation, used for data security. |
OutstandingActionPlans | The number of action plans still to be completed for this event. |
RaisedDateTime | The date when the event was created in Radar Healthcare. |
RaisedDayOfWeek | The day of the week the event was created. |
RaisedTime | The time the event was created. |
Reference | A unique code for this event, made up of letters (defining the event type) and a number (automatically assigned). |
Region | The name of the region that this event is associated with. |
RegionUID | A unique number that identifies the region that this event is associated with. |
ReportedBy | The name of the user who reported the event. |
RequiredFormDuration | The number of minutes it took to complete the form required to create an event. |
RequiredFormStatus | The status of the required form, such as completed or abandoned. |
RiskScore | Total risk score for the event. |
TimeToCompleteDays | The number of days it took for the incident to be resolved. |
TimeToCompleteHours | The number of hours it took for the incident to be resolved. |
TimeToRaiseHours | The amount of hours between when the event happened and when it was created. |
TimeToRaiseMinutes | The number of minutes between when the event happened and when it was created. |
UpdatedDateTime | The last time the event was updated. |
WorkflowStatus | The status of the event, such as planned, pending, overdue or completed. |
Event workflows
Term | Definition |
_OrganisationId | A unique number that identifies your organisation, used for data security. |
AssignedManagerName | The name of the manager of the user assigned to this workflow step. |
AssignedName | The name of the user assigned to a particular workflow step. |
assigneelastlogon | Date and time when the assigned user last logged on. |
CompletedDateTime | The date and time when the workflow was completed. |
completedemailaddress | The email address of the user who completed a particular workflow step. |
CompletedManagerName | The name of the manager of the user who completed this workflow step. |
CompletedName | The name of the user who completed a particular workflow step. |
CreatedDateTime | The date and time when the workflow was created. |
CurrentStage | Current step in the workflow. |
CurrentStageIndicator | Notes if a workflow step is the current step. |
DescriptionOfEvent | The description of the event. |
DueDateTime | The date and time when this workflow was due to be completed. |
earlylatetime | Time between when a task was completed and when it was due. A negative number means the event was completed before it was due (early). A positive number means the event was completed after it was due (late). The number itself is the number of hours early or late. |
EmailAddress | The email address of the user assigned to a particular workflow step. |
EventStatus | The status of the event, such as planned, pending, overdue or completed. |
EventType | The type of event. |
EventUID | The unique number that identifies the event, used in this table to link the event with the specific workflow. |
FormTemplateName | The name of the form template, used internally. |
hourssincelaststep | Number of hours since the last step in the workflow was completed. |
lag1completedtime | The date and time when the previous step in the workflow was completed. |
Reference | A unique code for this event, made up of letters (defining the event type) and a number (automatically assigned). |
timesincelaststep | Number of days since the last step in the workflow was completed. |
TimetoCompleteTask | Time it took to complete a workflow step. |
UserActive | Notes if the assigned user is active. |
wastheworkflowstepLate | Notes if the workflow task was completed late. |
WorkflowAction | Describes the main action from this workflow: trigger an action plan, raise a task to be edited, triggered an investigation, etc. |
WorkflowActivityName | Name used internally for a workflow trigger. |
WorkflowController | How the workflow was triggered. For example, triggered by a form where there was a specific answer, by an investigation, by the incident type, etc. |
WorkflowDefinition | The name of this workflow. |
WorkflowDescription | The name of the workflow step. |
workflowprocessfollowed | Notes if the workflow was followed. |
Workflowstatus | The status of the workflow, such as pending, overdue, planned, complete, etc. |
WorkflowStepPropertiesKey | A unique number for the parent workflow step (not the specific instance linked to an event) |
WorkflowStepUID | A unique number for this specific workflow step (not the parent workflow step). |
Event tags
Term | Definition |
EventUID | The unique number that identifies the event, used in this table to link the event with its tags. |
Tag | The tags assigned to this event. Tags are a way of grouping locations, documents or any other data together based on a theme. In reporting, tags can be used to filter data. |
TagSource | The place where the tag was created: form, location or region. |
TagType | The type of tag: module, location or region. |
Event tasks
Term | Description |
Assigned to | Name of the user that this task is assigned to. |
AssignedToUserUID | A unique number that identifies the user that this task is assigned to, used for data security. |
Comments | Comments related to the task. |
CompletedDate | Date when this task was completed. |
Created on | Date when this task was created. |
Createdby | Name of the user who created this task. |
DueDate | Date when this task is due to be completed. |
Event Id | A unique number that identifies the event that this task relates to. |
EventType | The type of event that this task relates to. |
Id | A unique number that identifies an event task. |
Last updated | Date when this task was last updated. |
Location | The name of the location that the event for this task is associated with. |
LocationUID | A unique number that identifies the location that the event for this task is associated with, used for data security. |
Priority | Notes the priority level of this task. |
Region | The name of the region that the event for this task is associated with. |
Status | The status of the task, such as complete, overdue, planned or pending. |
Task Details | Description of the task, set by the user who creates the task. |