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You are able to change your password at any time within Radar Healthcare under the Account settings option, via the forgotten password option on the log-in page (see dedicated guide here), or through the administration settings (if you have access to this).
Changing your password in Radar Healthcare
- Once you are logged in to Radar Healthcare, you can change your password at any time.
- In the status bar click on your username.
- Click Account Settings.
- Scroll down to the change password form.
- Enter a New password into the relevant field.
- Confirm your new password by entering it again into the Confirm new password field.
- Select Change password.
- Your password has now been changed. Use this new password to access Radar Healthcare.
My account details appear incorrect.
- If you believe these details to be inaccurate contact your organisation's Radar Healthcare administrator/team who can update the details for you.
I am unable to change my password in Account Settings.
- Some organisations' systems place restrictions on users' ability to change their own passwords. If the options shown above do not appear for you when you access Account Settings, then your system has had this option removed and you will be unable to manually change your Radar Healthcare password.
Are there rules on the type of format for passwords?
Yes, when you create a new password, you must ensure that it contains: 8 characters. 1 number, 1 letter, and 1 special character.