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View and export all your Risks in a single table.  Use the filters to break down the table into scope, categories or more. Select any risk to dive deeper.


Viewing the Risk Register


  • Select Risk Register from the left-hand menu.
The Risk Register icon
  • You will now see all risks that your permissions allow you to see.


  • To search and filter the Risk Register select the filter icon on the top right-hand side of the table.
The filter icon.

Viewing an Individual Risk


  • From the Risk Register table, select the specific Risk you wish to view.


  • Across the top of the Risk are the original risk score, the current risk score and the target risk score (if a target has been set).
A Risk banner.
  • We can also see who created the risk and when along with the current risk owner and category.


  • The author of the risk can provide further information about the risk in the Description and Impact fields.
Risk description and impact.


  • At the bottom of the page, we have a selection of tabs to help you explore the risk further.
The risk banner.


  • Overview.  View all the information for this Risk in one place.  Updated with each Risk review providing a tracked chronology of the Risk.


  • Current Controls.  Here you can add or review the controls to manage this risk.  Click here to explore further.


  • Attachments.  Upload relevant documentation against the Risk.


  • Risk Tasks. Create/manage tasks to support the review, management, or implementation of the Risk or Control(s).  Click here to explore further.


  • Links.  Use this tab to create or view links between this Risk and existing Events and/or other Risks. Click here to explore further.


  • Comments.  Add written comments relevant to the Risk.


  • History.  A permanent log recording all user behaviours associated with this Risk.


I cannot see all the risks on our Risk Register...

  • Your scope dictates the risks you can view.  Depending on your role you may see all your Organisations risks or those for your assigned Region(s) or Location(s).

Someone can see a Risk outside of their Region(s) or Location(s)

  • It is likely they have been assigned the Risk as an Owner, or are assigned a Control or Risk Task.  In such situations, the user will be able to view the Risk regardless of their Region(s) or Location(s).
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