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Introducing Bulk Assign for New and Improved Audit

  • 23 July 2024
  • 0 replies

Please note - this user guide is in reference to the Enhanced Audit functionality.


Reading time 2 mins





  • Audits are made up of workflow steps.  These can be the sections containing your audit questions, the action plan review step, or the authorisation step.

  • This new feature allows you to reassign these audit workflow steps, individually and on mass.


Build Reassigning


  • Navigate to the Administration panel > Bulk Assignment > Audit Workflows.
Audit Workflow Icon


  • NB: You may see an icon called ‘Audit’ as above], please note this is regarding the previous version of the Audit tool which will be deactivated in the future.


  • Select Audit Workflow and you will be shown a range of search options, including:
    • Assigned to - this allows you to find audit workflow steps assigned to a specific user. 
    • Where audit name is - search for a specific audit by its template name.  
    • Where the section or workflow step is - select the specific element of the workflow step to reassign.  This may be a section of questions, the action plan review step, or the authorisation step.
    • With a due date from / to - filter your results to look at audits due within a specific timeframe.
  • Select one or more options to find the audit workflow steps you wish to reassign.  Select ‘Search’ to find the workflow steps.


  • In the example below, we are searching for all the audit workflow step assigned to a user, for a specific audit, due July to September.  We are not looking at a specific section or workflow step.
Search for audit workflow steps.



  • Choose the audit workflow steps you wish to reassign.  You can choose to select individually or use the Select Page option.  Please note, if your search has multiple pages of audit workflow steps you will need to select the audit workflow steps on each page if you wish to reassign more than one page at a time.


  • Once chosen, please use the ‘Continue’ icon to move forward and reassign.


Selecting audit workflow items.


  • Next, select who should be reassigned the workflow steps.  You can individually select a user against each audit workflow step, or you can select one user for all of them.    In our example below we have chosen the same person for all the workflow steps (1), but this can be amended for individual ones if required (2).  Select ‘Complete’ to confirm your selection (3).
Selecting new assignees


  • You will be asked to confirm your selection and, once confirmed, you will receive a success message.  Your audit workflow steps have been reassigned.




Do audit workflow steps show in End Dated Users?

This is not currently available.  This is in the pipeline for future development.  Please check the audit workflow assignment option when you have end dated a user.


What permissions do I need for this feature?

You will need the permission of ‘Bulk Assignment’ under ‘System permissions’.


Can I reassign the Audit Owner here?

This is not currently available.  The audit owner is the person assigned the audit when scheduling.  This feature is under development as part of the functionality to edit audit schedules.





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