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  • Once a folder has been created, you can restrict who can view the folder by setting different permissions. To do this, navigate to the folder you wish to set permissions on, click the three-dot menu icon to the right-hand side of the folder, and select ‘Set folder permissions’.
Set folder permissions.
  • You now have the options to set the folder permissions. 


  • Leaving these permissions blank will mean the folder permissions will default to the master permission set in Access Control (please view the relevant access control permissions guide here).


  • Alternatively, you can set specific permissions for the folder, to limit who can see and manage the folder.


  • Please note: The permissions are not inherited.  E.g. Permission to 'manage' the folder will allow your users to upload documents to the folder but not edit the documents once uploaded. To provide the ability to users to 'manage' the documents within a folder they will need that permission on each document.


Setting who can View the Folder 


  • The topmost option allows you to set who can view the folder.


  • Select the relevant Role from the drop down. If the role you have selected is a Location or Region role, you can further define who can see the folder by selecting the Location/Region that can view the folder. E.g., in the below example, only users with the Customer Support role who are based at Service 1 will be able to see the folder. 
Restrict permission to view.
  • Once you have selected the Role and Location/Region (if applicable), select ‘Add view rule’ to save the permissions.


  • Repeat this as required until you have set the correct permissions for who is able to view the folder. 


  • Remember, if you wish for all your users to be able to see the folder, leave the drop down blank (as it defaults upon first reaching the screen) and the Access Control permissions will be applied).


Setting who can Manage the Folder


  • Next, you can set who has access to manage the folder. 


  • Please note - to manage a folder the user must have permission to view it first.


  • As with the view rule, if you leave this drop down blank, your permissions will revert to the master access control permissions (please view the access control permissions guide here).


  • If you wish to limit who has access to manage the folder, select the Roles you wish to grant access to from the drop down. E.g., in the below example, only the Customer Support Team LEader at Service 1 will be able to manage the folder.
Add manage rule.
  • Remember to select ‘Add manage rule’ to save the permissions.


  • Once your permissions have been set, select ‘Save Permissions’ at the top of the page.


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