Updating a Basic Custom List

  • 27 March 2024
  • 0 replies

Userlevel 6

Reading time 3 mins




  • There are two types of custom list.  This guidance is in reference to the basic custom list function which allows you to create straightforward lists of information such as Service Users, Medicines, etc.


  • For more advanced custom lists please see the alternative guidance.


  • Managing Custom Lists is quick and straightforward.  You will need permission to Manage Event and Risk in Access Control to be able to manage Custom Lists.



Viewing Custom Lists

  • To view Custom Lists, from the Administration dashboard, select the Custom lists option, under the Event and Risk header.


  • You will be presented with your system's current custom lists (these will be specific to your system). Below is an example:
List of custom types.



Edit custom lists


  • To edit a custom list, click the Actions button next to the custom list you wish to edit and select View items.
Viewing a list.
  • The items displayed are all those items that will appear in the drop-down list when this custom list is pulled through into an event form.


  • To add a new item in the list select Create new item.
Create new item icon.
  • Enter the new item as you would like it to appear in the drop-down list in the event form. 
    • 'Display text' is a reference text/number which is shown when exporting information into PDF (reference only).
    • 'Search text' is the text a user can search for in drop-down lists and is displayed once selected in Radar Healthcare.  This will show in exported PDF when not redacted.


  • You can also choose to restrict this item to a location if required. For example, if some options in the list are only relevant to certain locations, you can choose for them only to appear for events reported at that location by restricting them here.
Restricting an item to a location.
  • Select Save.


Edit an existing list entry


  • To edit an existing entry, click the Action drop down against the entry and select Edit item.
Edit icon option.
  • Update the entry and select Save.


Archive an existing entry


  • To archive an entry in the list, click the Action drop down against the entry and select Archive.
Archive option.


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