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This guidance is in reference to the original audit module from Radar Healthcare. Support for this feature will end in April 2025. Please click here for more details

For the new audit tool please view our dedicated guidance here.

Reading time 4 mins + 3 min and 8 sec video



When you are assigned an audit the first step is to answer the questions.  All questions on an audit must be answered before moving on to step 2.  All questions come with the option to add comments and upload attachments (sometimes these options can be mandatory and will be denoted with a red star next to them.

Start and stop as required, using 'Summary' to go back to the main audit page.  Once you've answered all the questions ensure you confirm the audit has been completed.


Video Guide - Answer Audit Questions



Answering Audit Questions


  • If you have been assigned an audit that is due to take place, it will flag as either Pending or Overdue on your Radar Healthcare dashboard. 


  • If the audit is scheduled but not yet due to be completed, it will show as Planned.
My tasks dashboard.


  • Select the audit you wish to start.


  • If the audit has not yet been started, select 'Begin audit'.
Begin Audit icon.
  • You will now see the audit summary screen. 


  • The top part of the screen shows a breakdown of the different sections and questions within the audit. You can expand this using the arrow to reveal the different requirement categories and the audit questions themselves. 
Viewing audit questions.
  • The bottom half of the screen gives a summary of the audit completion.
Audit status options.
  • If you have been assigned the audit select 'Continue audit' to get started.


  • You can now start answering the questions and uploading your evidence. For each question, you will be asked to select Yes, No or N/A. You will also have the option to add comments and upload evidence to support your answer selection. For some questions you may find that the comments and a document upload are flagged as mandatory, on others they will be optional.
Answer audit questions.
  • The audit may be split into multiple Sections and Requirements.  These are designed to break up the audit questions into manageable chunks.  Use the 'Previous' and 'Next' icons to work through the audit.


  • If you have missed any mandatory fields, you will be presented with the below message upon clicking 'Next'. You can either fill in the details now or click 'Next' again to move on and come back to them later. 
Mandatory comments and attachments.
  • As you move through the audit, on the left-hand side of the screen you will see a progress bar, showing how far through the current section you are. The green tick indicates that a page is completed. You can use this bar to navigate to each page by simply clicking on the relevant step.
Side menu of an audit.
  • Continue to answer all questions, enter comments and upload evidence as required. As you answer each question, the answer is automatically saved in Radar Healthcare, so you can leave an audit part-way through and come back to it at any time to continue where you left off. 


  • Once you have finished all questions in this Section of the audit, click 'Summary' at the top or bottom of the audit.


  • You can now see the status for your audit in the top half of the summary screen. 


  • Click on the > arrows to expand the section and different requirement categories to view the answers given for each question.
Audit with answered questions.
  • To change or further expand on any answer given, simply click on the question from this summary screen to be taken directly to it. 


  • Once you are happy with your answers, click 'Complete audit' from either the top of the screen or from within the Status table. You will then be able to see your audit score. 
Completing an audit.
  • Once confirmed the audit will continue to step 2 (Create action plans).  If it is due again in the future the audit will now be scheduled in the background.



If the audit is automatically rescheduled after completion, is it due from the original due date or the date completed?


  • The date that next audit schedules are based on the due date of the current audit, not the completed date. E.g. if an audit is due to take place every month and our current audit has a due date of the 1st of April, the next audit will schedule for the 1st of May next month, regardless of the date we actually completed this audit.