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  • This article looks at the core email notifications which are sent by Radar Healthcare.  


General Emails


Outstanding Tasks - User

  • Monday Morning (7-8am).  This cannot be amended but this email can be deactivated if required. Please contact Radar Healthcare directly.


  • This email lists all the outstanding (not completed) tasks assigned to that user.  The tasks are grouped together into their module (e.g., Audit, Events, Action Plans, etc.).  Should a task be associated to a location this will also show.
Example user task email.


Outstanding Tasks - My Workforce


  • Monday Morning (7-8am).  


  • A user with line management responsibility in Radar Healthcare will receive an email with an overview of their teams outstanding tasks.  This is a high-level overview showing each user they line manage, and the number of pending and overview tasks by each module type.  This reflects the ‘My Workforce’ tab on the Dashboard when logging into Radar Healthcare.


My Workforce email


User Management


Account Activation Email


  • Sent when a new user is created and ‘Send account activation email’ is selected.  Or when ‘Activate Account’ is selected for a user.


  • This email contains a link for the user to activate their account and to create a password.
Example activation email


Password Reset / Forgotten Password


  • Sent when a user enters their email address on the log in page and select forgotten password, or an Administrator selects ‘Reset password’ against a user’s account.


  • The email contains a link to allow the user to change their password and log into the system.


Reset password email



Event Notification

  • Sent automatically as part of a workflow.


  • This may be at the beginning of the workflow to notify key people about the event.


  • This may come at the end of the workflow to notify key people, or even the event reporter, that it has been completed.


  • Due to the configurability of workflows it is possible to send these emails for more specific reasons.  For example, depending on how the event reporter has answered the initial questions we might send the email to a key role (a typical example here is notify our Safeguarding Lead when an event has been flagged as a Safeguarding concern.).


  • These emails can be sent at any stage of a workflow.


  • All notification emails can contain a ‘Reason’ which is a line of text Radar Healthcare can update to allow you to customise the email.  We recommend reviewing this to ensure your users understand why are receiving these emails.  


  • These emails can be further customised to include additional information recorded on the event if required.  All customisation needs to be requested through the Radar Healthcare Support Team.




New Event Workflow Task Assigned


  • Sent automatically when a workflow task has been assigned to someone.  This is optional and is written into the workflow.


  • Designed to notify the user about the task and containing a link to the event to action their task.  Ideal for urgent tasks or for those who do not log into Radar Healthcare frequently.  These tasks will also appear on the Monday morning email until complete.


New task email.


Event Task Assigned


  • Sent to the responsible person for an event task.  This is optional and is sent if the user creating the task select ‘Send email notification’.


  • Ideal when the user creating the task is not the person responsible for completing it.  This task will also appear on the Monday morning email until complete.
New event task email


Event Task Updated


  • Sent when someone saved changes to an event task and selects ‘Send email notification’.


  • Ideal for alerting the person responsible for the task that changes may have been made and allowing them to instantly view the action and any changes made.


Action Plans


New Action Plan Assigned


  • Sent when the option ‘Send email notification’ is activated when creating a new action plan.  This is sent to the user assigned as the responsible person for this action.


  • This is ideal to send when someone is creating an action and assigning it to someone else.




Action Plan Update

  • Sent when the option ‘Send email notification on save?’ is activated when updating an action plan.  This is sent to the user assigned as the responsible person for this action.


  • This email is important to send if changes are being made without prior knowledge for the person responsible for the action.  For example, if the due date is being amended or the description updated.



Risk Register


Risk Assigned to You


  • Sent when a risk is created or reviewed, and “Notify Risk Owner” is selected.  This will email whoever is selected as the Risk Owner.


  • Ideal to send when you are creating a risk for someone else, reassigning an existing risk or to remind the user of the risk.



New Risk Task Assigned to You


  • Sent when a new risk task is created, and the user selects “Send email notification” and chooses the option ‘Notify when the task is created’.


  • This is useful if you are delegating a risk task to an individual who may be unaware.
  • When creating an Risk Task there is also an option to send an email to ‘Notify when the task is completed’.  This includes the completed comment enter when marking the task as complete.


  • This is useful if the Risk Task may be completed by other individuals, and you wish to notify the person with responsibility for the task once it is complete.


Risk Task Updated Email


  • When updating a Risk Task, it is also possible to send an email to the person responsible when you are saving your changes.  This lets them know that it has been updated and they can log in to view them.





New Notice Created Email


  • When creating a Notice, users have the option to send an email notification to all users receiving the notice to advise them to login to read the notice in Radar Healthcare.


  • Recommended if you are sending out an urgent notice or have users who may not log in on a regular basis.

Notice Reminder Email


  • If a notice requires a response, notice admins can send a reminder email to all users that have received the notice and not yet responded.  This email advises users to login and read the notice.