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Please note the Report Builder tool does not include the new and improved audit tool which has a range of advanced Analytics available.
- The Report Builder enables you to build custom reports, by selecting the criteria you would like to report on and choosing the fields that you want to see. You can even save and share your reports with other users.
- To build your report, select Data Analysis and then Report Builder from your left-hand menu.
- Select which part of Radar Healthcare you would like to report on - the areas that you are able to select here will be dependent on what parts of Radar Healthcare your organisation uses as well as what you have permission to see.
- You are now presented with the report builder screen. From here you can start to put together your criteria.
Setting the Report Criteria
- Start by setting your first criteria, click Add Criteria.
- You will now see a selection of assorted options that you can use to create your reports. The options you see will differ depending on what part of Radar Healthcare you are reporting on. In these examples, we are using Events.
- From the first drop down, select the first criteria, e.g., Event Type.
- From the next two drop downs, you can then filter down your selected criteria, for example, below we have set the report to only show Event Types that equal Complaint. This means, once we click run, our report will only show complaints.
- If you wanted to run the report at this point, simply click Run Report.
- You will now see the report data shown in the table at the bottom of the screen.
- Please Note - if your criteria contain more than 100 options (E.g., Reported By - which would contain all your users) it will show the first 100. If you need to find an item after the first 100 please type in the box to search and find the required option.
Setting Multiple Criteria
- You can start to build up and further filter the data that will run in your report by adding and mixing multiple criteria together.
- To do this you will use the And/Or rules:
- The AND rule = if you use the AND rule, your report will only show results that match all of the given criteria
- The OR rule = if you use the OR rule, your report will show results that match either/any of the selected criteria
- Upon adding a new criteria, you can use the drop down to the left-hand side to choose whether you want the report to match both criteria or either criteria.
An Example of using the AND rule
- The below example shows how you might use the AND rule.
- This report is set to show us all Events that equal Complaints AND that have an Event Date between 1st Aug 2018 and 4th October 2018.
- This will only pull through Complaints that have been reported between the selected dates, as both the given criteria must match for the results to show in the report.
An Example of using the OR rule
- The below example shows how you might use the OR rule.
- This report is set to show us all Events that equal Complaint OR that equal Concern.
This will only pull through Complaint and Concerns, as one or the other of the given criteria must match for the results to show in the report.
Grouping Criteria
- If you would like to use a combination of AND and OR rules for your criteria, you can do this by Grouping together those that need each rule.
- For example, you may wish to report on:
- All Complaints reported between set dates (Event Type equals Complaint AND Event Date between selected dates).
- OR
- All Concerns reported between set dates (Event Type equals Concern AND Event Date between selected dates).
- To do this, before you add any criteria, select Add Group.
- You can now build your first set of Criteria in your Group using the second Add Criteria button that has now appeared, e.g. All Complaints reported between set dates.
- Now select Add Group again from the topmost option to add the second set of Criteria, e.g. All Concerns reported between set dates.
- Finally, you need to make sure that the left most And/Or drop down is set to Or. This means that the report will look to match the first Group of criteria OR the second Group of criteria.
- Once you are happy with your Criteria, click Run Report from the top of the report builder screen.
- Any Reports that you build will be pre-filtered based on your system permissions, so you will only see results that you have permission to see. If you are unable to view the Report Builder menu item, or if one of the Radar Healthcare sections that you wish to report on is missing (i.e. Events, Audits, Workforce Compliance or Scheduled Tasks) then you have not been given the permission to build reports or have not been given to build reports for the section of Radar Healthcare that is missing from the selection. If this is the case, please contact your System Administrator who will be able to grant you the required permissions if needed.