Reading time 4 mins + 4 mins 35 sec video
Your organisation will create a series of events you are able to report within Radar Healthcare. Typical examples include; incidents, complaints, compliments, etc.
We recommend before adding an event please ensure you fully understand your organisation's incident and risk management policy.
Video Guide - Reporting an Event
Reporting an Event
- To report an event click on 'Event Reporting', then 'Report New Event' from the left-hand menu.

- You will now be presented with an initial form to complete to capture:
- Reported by - this defaults to you as the individual completing the form but may be amended.
- Reported Location/ Service - this is where the event took place.
- Type of event - which one are you reporting (this list will be defined by your organisation).
- Date / Time of event - when did it take place?
- Title / Description of event - provide a brief headline of what has taken place. We recommend keeping the text brief here and avoiding using identifiable information such as full names (e.g. use initials or the term "service user")
- Confidential event (optional) - some events may be classed as confidential within your organisation, for example, Whistle Blowing. If an event is flagged as confidential it will bypass the normal channels of event investigation and be escalated to the relevant individuals with permission to view confidential events. If you are unsure whether the event you are raising is confidential, please speak to your System Administrator to confirm

- To submit the form select 'Next'.
- Depending on your organisation's event reporting procedures you may be presented with other additional forms to complete to capture specific information about the event. These are created specifically for each organisation and are usually tailored to the Event Type that you have selected in your initial form. This enables your organisation to effectively capture all the information they need and investigate it as appropriate. Complete these as required.
- Complete the form(s) that you are presented with, enter full details and select 'Save and Complete' once you have finished.
- If you are presented with more than one form, continue completing the details as required. Once you have submitted all information your event will be logged in Radar Healthcare and will be forwarded to the relevant individuals to investigate accordingly (if applicable).

- Those fields marked with an * are mandatory fields and must be completed. If the mandatory fields are not completed then you will not be able to submit the report.
- If you exit a form without clicking 'Save and complete' any data you have entered will be lost and cannot be retrieved
When should I mark an event as confidential?
- Some events may be classed as confidential within your organisation, for example, Whistle Blowing.
- If an event is flagged confidential, it will bypass the normal channels of event investigation/review and be escalated to the relevant individuals with permission to view/manage confidential events.
- If you are unsure whether the event you are raising is confidential, please speak to your System Administrator to confirm.
- Only those users with the relevant permissions can view and update confidential events.
I don't have the option to mark an event as confidential...
- If you do not see the option to mark an event as Confidential, then you have not been given permission to create confidential events. If this is the case, please contact your System Administrator who will be able to grant the relevant permission if required.
- If you are a System Administrator, you have confirmed that the relevant permissions have definitely been activated and the Confidential event option is still not appearing, this may be due to the feature not being enabled in your system. In such cases, please contact Radar Healthcare Support who can activate the feature for you.