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Keep a log of the controls you are putting in place (or have already implemented) to help mitigate the Risk. Disseminate actions via Risk Tasks to support the implementation of your controls, or actions required.
Adding a Risk Control
- On the Risk navigate to the option labelled Controls.
- Any existing controls will be shown here and select Add control to be taken to a new page to complete all the details of your new control.
- Enter details within the required fields and these can be edited later if required.
- Description. Please describe the control being identified.
- Cost of Control. What is the cost associated to this risk? iThis option may not appear]. Please enter a whole number for it to be converted into sterling. E.g. enter 1000 for it to convert into £1000.
- Adequacy. How effective is this control? It is possible that at the time you create a control, the Adequacy is unknown. If so, you can leave this field as Not Applicable and update it later.
- Assurance. Are the business objectives achievable with a tolerable level of residual risk? This may be unknown at the point of creating the risk control. If so, you can leave this field as Not Applicable and update it later.
- Due Date. When do you envision this control being due by?
- Implemented Status - You can enter a control as either ‘Implemented’ or ‘Not Implemented’ at the point of entering it. This makes the process of populating existing controls quicker and easier.
- Owner. Who is responsible for this control?
- Once you are happy with the details of your control select ‘Save and exit’. Alternately, clicking ‘Save and add another’ will enable you to immediately add a further control.
- The new control will show under the Current control tab at the bottom of the page.
![Show Controls](
Updating and Closing a Control
- To edit a control, select the one in question and you will be brought back to the details page to edit the information.
- Here you can edit any of the information required. Select Save to confirm your changes.
- To provide a comment updating the Risk Control use the Update area.
![Add Update to a Control.](
- To close the Control, select Close control.
![Closing a Control](
- Choose whether your Control has been Implemented or Not Implemented. You must provide a Reason for your decision.
![Implemented or Not](
- Your closed Controls will be hidden. Select ‘Implemented controls’ to see the controls to view them.
![Show implemented controls](
- To reopen a Control select the one in question and choose the Reopen icon. Again, you must provide a reason behind your action.
- Select ‘Outstanding controls’ to see any controls which are open. Select ‘Show all’ to see all controls regardless of their status.
Abandoning a Risk Control
- To abandon a control, select the one which you wish to abandon to go to the details page.
- From here, simply click the Abandon button in the right hand corner.
- A pop-up window will then opening, prompting you to enter a reference and a reason, after which you can click Abandon.
![Abandon a risk control pop-up](
Adding and Amending Risk Tasks
- On the Risk navigate to the option labelled Risk Tasks.
![Risk Tasks.](
- Here you will be able to see any existing Risk Tasks. To create a new task select Add risk task.
- There are two stages; Details and Attachments.
![Creating a Risk Task](
- Person responsible. This is the person responsible for ensuring the task is completed. This will appear for them on their list of My Tasks when they next log into the system
- Send email notification. This option allows you to have an email sent to the Person responsible to notify then about the task when it is created. There is also the option to notify the person who created the task once it is marked as completed. Notifications are sent via email.
- Grant person responsible for the task permissions to view the entire risk? Use this option to allow the person responsible for the task permission to see it when they may not have permission ordinarily.
- Priority. Using the drop-down list choose the most relevant option from; High, Medium or Low. This will appear for everyone viewing the task.
- Due date. Use the calendar option to select the completion date for the task. This can be edited later if required.
- Risk task details. Please enter the details of the task. This box can be enlarged using the two small diagonal lines in the bottom right corner, should you wish to have more room to type further detail.
- Upload one or more documents for this task, select Add file and choose the required document from your device.
- To finalise the task select Complete and the task will now show in the table.
![A Risk Task.](