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  • The Report Builder allows the user to build their own reports, pulling through and filtering on the information to show exactly what is important to them. They can then export to CSV for further data manipulation if required.


  • The reporting access is split into the different Radar Healthcare module types: Audit, Employee Records (Workforce Compliance) and Events.

Please note, for the report builder to show any data, the user must have the relevant permissions to view the information requested. For example, if a user has been given access to Event Reports, they also need to have been given access to View Events within the Event Reporting Permissions.

  • As well as building reports, users can save and share reports with other users with the same level of reporting access.


Permission Ref Permission Action
Audit Report Access Allows the user to create reports on audits completed in Radar Healthcare.

The report results will be filtered based on the users’ other permissions. In order for a user to be able to run reports on all audits within their Location, Region or the Organisation, they must also have the relevant permissions switched on under the Audit permissions section, e.g. “View” to be able to view all non-confidential audits and/or “View Confidential Audits”, in order to include Confidential Audits in the report.

Within the reports, users can also click directly into the results table to view a specific audit in more details. The “View” and/or “View Confidential Audits” will allow a user to view the audit details from the Audit report.
Employee Record Report Access Allows the user to create reports on workforce compliance and employee records in Radar Healthcare.
If a user needs to be able to run any general user reports from Radar Healthcare, the Employee Record Report Access must be assigned.

The report results will be filtered based on the users’ other permissions.

With this permission assigned, the user will be able to report on all users within the Organisation, regardless of whether their role is a Location, Region or Organisation role.

Within the reports, users can also click directly into the results table to view a specific user’s compliance record in more detail. In order for this to work effectively for all records in the report, the user must also have been given “Admin User” permission from the Compliance and Training permissions.

If the user has not be given the “Admin User” permission from the Compliance and Training permissions, then they may still be able to click through to view any user that they directly Line Manage. In this instance, the compliance requirements that the Line Manager sees are determined from within the Permission Rule Sets for the requirements.
Event Report Access Allows the user to create reports on events logged in Radar Healthcare.

The report results will be filtered based on the users’ other permissions.

In order for a user to be able to run reports on all events within their Location, Region or the Organisation, they must also have the relevant permissions switched on under the Event Reporting permissions section, e.g. “View Own” to be able to report on their own events, “View” to view all non-confidential events and/or “View Confidential”, in order to include Confidential Events in the report.

Within the reports, users can also click directly into the results table to view a specific event in more details. Again in order for this to work effectively, the user must also have the appropriate permissions, e.g. View Workflow, View History etc. depending on how in depth the user needs to be able to interrogate the data in the reports.
Load Shared Queries Enables the user to load pre-saved reports from the shared reports folder.

The report results will be filtered based on the users’ other permissions.

As with the above reports, in order for a shared report to load fully, the user must also have the relevant permissions assigned for Events, Audits or Workforce Compliance.
Save Shared Queries Enables the user to save reports to the shared folder.

Saving a report in the shared folder enables all other users with the “Load Shared Queries” permission assigned to load the saved report. Saving a report saves the parameters and filters only and not data itself. In order to save the data from a report, it should be exported as a CSV and saved outside of Radar Healthcare.
Scheduled task report access Grants access to the Scheduled Task report builder.

The report results will be filtered based on the users’ other permissions.

In order for a user to be able to run reports on all scheduled tasks within their Location, Region or the Organisation, they must also have the "View" permission switched on under the Scheduled tasks permissions section.
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