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Permission Ref Permission Action
Abandon Abandon risks from the risk register.

This enables a user to delete risks from Radar Healthcare. Once deleted a risk cannot be retrieved.
Approve Risk

Can approve risks on the Risk Register.


A user with this permission will be shown on the list of approvers when a Risk is added to the Risk Register (if the risk approval feature is being used by your organisation).  With this permission they can be selected as a risk approver and they are also able to approve any risk awaiting approval.

This permission takes scope into account so a user can only approve risks within their roles location, region or organisation.


Can close risks on the Risk Register.


This allows a user to close down risks on the Risk Register at their role’s location, region or organisation.

Create / Edit Create and edit risks on the organisation risk register.

This permission enables the user to add, categorise and score a new risk.

This permission also enables the user to edit the details of an existing risk already logged in Radar Healthcare. This includes risks not originally logged by this user. This does not allow the user to rescore an existing risk.

For a user to be able to Create and Edit the risk register, they must also have the permission to View.
Delete updates Can delete updates relating to comments. For a user to be able to delete updates, they also need to have the permission to both View and Review the risk register.
Edit updates Can edit updates relating to comments. For a user to be able to edit updates, they also need to have the permission to both View and Review the risk register.
Manage assurance

Can enter details into the Assurance step when creating, editing, or reviewing a Risk.

This includes the fields, Objectives, Assurances, Gaps in assurances, and Monitoring committee.

Review Review the risks on the organisation risk register.

This permission allows the user to add updates to the risk, including comments, attachments, and log actions.

This permission also allows the user to set a review date, rescore and close the risk.

For a user to be able to Review a risk they also need to have the permission to View risks.
View View the organisation Risk Register.

This permission includes the ability to view the risk register in the system, as well as being able to export the register as an Excel document or a PDF. The information available to view includes a breakdown of risks per risk category, all risks and the current risk score, related actions, and the user to whom the actions are assigned, full history of updates for the risk.

This permission is key to enabling all the above Risk Management permissions.
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