Reading time 4 mins + 2 mins 53 secs video
Compliance requirements may be assigned to you by your organisation. These can range from the recording of your training activities, detail of a recent appraisal, your vaccination status, and so on.
When a requirement is due your attention it will appear on your My Tasks dashboard. Also, you are able to view your compliance requirements at any time under 'My records' where you may update them if required.
Video Guide - Viewing and Completing My Compliance Requirements
Viewing your Requirements
- To view all your compliance requirements select 'My Records' from the left-hand menu.

- All requirements come with an individual status to let you know if something needs your attention and the associated due dates.
My Compliance Status
- At the top of the page, you will see your overall compliance status.
- Compliant - you are fully compliant and have no requirement tasks due to be completed.
- Pending - you are due to complete at least one requirement task in the near future.
- Overdue - you have at least one requirement task that has not been completed and is now passed the due date.
- Not Applicable - you have no active requirements to be completed.
- You will then see a list of all your completed and outstanding Compliance Requirements.

- Each requirement also has its own compliance status.
- Planned - the requirement is new and is due in the future.
- Compliant - this requirement has been completed.
- Pending - the requirement requires completion.
- Overdue - the requirement has passed its due date and requires attention.
- Not Applicable - the requirement has been removed from your record and remains for historical reporting.
Completing My Compliance Requirements
- Any Pending or Overdue tasks will be flagged to you on your 'My Tasks' dashboard and will have a task Type of Compliance.

- To complete a requirement, click on it from this list.
- If the requirement has been completed previously, you may see the past completions listed.

- Click on the latest (topmost) requirement in this list. You will be taken into the requirement and will see the tasks required to be completed.

- To complete the tasks, simply click on each task in turn and follow the steps/instructions on the screen.

- Once you have completed your requirement, the Status and Due Date will update. For example, if it is an annual requirement, the Status will update to Compliant and the Due Date will update to one year’s time. If it is a one-off requirement, with no recurrence required, the next due date will show as Not Applicable.

Viewing Compliance History and Past Submissions
- You can see a requirement has been completed previously as a date will be showing the "Requirement completed date" on the compliance record.

- Select either the three-dot menu icon at the side of the requirement in this list and click View history, or alternatively, simply click into the requirement itself from this list.

- If the requirement has been completed previously, you will see the past completions listed. You will see:
- Due date - this is the date that each instance of the requirement was due
- Completed date - some requirements have forms that require you to enter a date that you completed training. This date will pull through to the "Completed date" column.
- Requirement completed date - this is the date that the user physically went into Radar Healthcare to complete the requirement.

- To view each of these submissions, click on them from this list. You will be taken to the completed requirement, where you can click on each of the steps to see the answers/information submitted.
Viewing the changes and updates within each submission
- In addition to being able to view past submissions, there is also a full history logged within each individual submission itself. This can be seen within the most current submission, as well as within historic submissions, under the History tab.

- Here we can see a log of every time the requirement has been updated, who actioned it and the date.
Show and Hide N/A Requirements
- If a Requirement has been assigned to you at some point in the past, and then subsequently removed it will have a Status of "Not applicable".
- If a requirement has been completed prior to being removed, all the submitted information and a full history of completion are retained.
- To view Not Applicable requirements, from your Compliance Record, click Show N/A. You can see the "Not applicable" label in the Status column.

Why does it look different to me?
- Your view of the system is based on the permissions your organisation has provided you wish. These permissions dictate what you can or cannot see. Therefore you may not have My Record, or you may only have permission to view a chosen number of requirements.
- If you are a System Administrator and need assistance in managing compliance permissions, please view our range of Workforce Compliance administration guides.