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Compliance Requirements can be assigned by:

  • Role, e.g., all Administrators
  • To individual Users, selected by name
  • Or a combination of the two


  • Important to note when assigning requirements - Radar Healthcare refreshes periodically every 5-15 minutes and so you may not see changes immediately on a user's record, however the change will be implemented on the next refresh.


  • To assign a Requirement to your users click on Administration from the left-hand menu, then Assignment, found under the Workforce Compliance section.


  • Here you will see all the requirements currently assigned. 


List of assigned compliance
  • From this table you can see whether this requirement has been assigned by Role, and to which Roles it has been assigned.
Assigned by role
  • Or by User, i.e. by selecting individual names, and the users to which it has been assigned. 
Assigned to individual user
  • You can also see if a user has been Excluded from an assignment, for example, if you are assigning a Requirement by role, however one individual with the role does not need to complete the Requirement, you can choose to exclude them so that the Requirement is not assigned. 


Assigning a Requirement


  • To assign a requirement, click Manage Assignments from the top of the screen.
Manage Assignments
  • Search for the Requirement Type(s) you want to assign using the list in the left-hand box.
    • You can search/filter on the requirement name...
Selecting Assignments
  • Or using the tags
Searching using tags.
  • Check the box next to the requirement you wish to assign.
Selecting requirement
  • Moving across to the two right hand panels, you now have the option to either assign by role, to assign by User, or to combine the two.
Assign to role or user
  • To assign the selected Requirement(s) to users by role, select the roles that you wish to include from the middle panel, and leave any that do not need the Requirement assigning blank.


  • You can either Save at this point, or you can choose to assign requirements to individuals by name. 


  • If you save at this point, all users with any of the roles selected will be assigned the requirement.


  • Note, if a user has more than one role, they will still only be assigned the requirement once, the requirement will not be duplicated.


  • To assign to individual users, you can assign by name.


  • To do this, from the right panel, search for and select the names of the individuals that you wish to assign the requirements to. You can select multiple people at once.


  • Click Save to confirm the assignment. 


  • Note, if a user is selected as an individual and is being assigned the requirement by role, they will still only be assigned the requirement once, the requirement will not be duplicated.


Excluding a User from an Assignment


  • If you are assigning a Requirement by role but have individuals with that role who do not need to be assigned the Requirement, you can choose to exclude them, so that the Requirement is not assigned. 


  • To do this, search for the user from the right-hand user panel and check the Exclude box against the user. 
Excluding a user.
  • Click Save to confirm.


Combining Assignment Methods


  • Once you are happy with how to assign Requirements by Role and by User and how to Exclude Users if required, you can now combine these two together to effectively manage your Requirements.


  • In the below screenshot, we are:
    • Allocating a Requirement to a number of roles, including the role "Customer Support"
    • Choosing to include some individual users who fall outside of the selected roles, but who still need the be assigned the Requirement, i.e. Ellie Jordan, Jane Jones, John Smith, and Mark Fewster.
    • As one of our users who has the role of "Customer Support" does not need to be assigned this Requirement, we have Excluded him from the allocation by searching for his name in the User panel and checking the Exclude box. 
  • Please note, this assignment screen will not show you the individual users with the selected roles. If you are unsure which users have which roles, you can view this from the main User list from the Admin dashboard. 
Combination of methods.


Video guide: Assigning a Compliance Requirement



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