Reading time 3 mins + 2 min 42 sec video
The first step in creating a compliance requirement is creating the Permission Rule Set. This dictates who will have access to view and complete the compliance requirements.
Once a Rule set has been created you can use it for multiple requirements.
Creating a Permission Rule Set
- Click on the Administration option from your left-hand menu.
- Under the Workforce Compliance header select the Permission rule set button.
- Here you will see a list of your existing Permissions Rule Sets.
- To create a new ‘Permission Rule Set’ click +New rule set.
- Enter the name of your rule set. It is advisable to ensure this represents the use the permissions are going to be put to. For example, if these permissions are going to be used for all Compliance requirements, you may wish to call the permission rule set “Compliance Access” or if the permissions are going to be applied to all training requirements, you might opt to call it "Training permissions".
- You can now set the permissions, either by grouping by permission (e.g., expand the permission and select all roles that you want to assign that permission to).
- Or by role (e.g., expand the role and select all the permissions that role will have).
- You can view a definition of each permission by clicking the “i” icon.
Permissions Explained
- In a similar way to how the Access Control permissions work, if you are assigning permissions to a role, all the users in your system with that role will be granted the selected permission.
- If the role is a Location or Regional role, then the permissions will apply to the user's assigned Location(s) or Region(s) only. E.g. "View" permission for a Location role will allow the user to view all compliance requirements with that permission associated, but only for their own Location.
- Important roles/permissions to be aware of are:
- Special Roles >> Self – this is user who has been assigned a compliance requirement:
- View – this allows the user to see compliance requirements assigned to their record. Note, if any requirements steps are assigned to the users they will be able to see and complete these, even if they do not have the "View" permission. (Recommended)
- Manage – this allows the user to complete their own compliance requirements including steps that are not assigned to them, such as approving the requirement.
- View History – this allows the user to view past submissions for this requirement.
- Change Due Date – this allows the user to change the date by which the requirement is due. This is not usually recommended for the "Self" user role.
- Can Edit History – this allows the user to edit what has already been submitted. This might be useful if the user needs to update/edit the evidence provided.
- Special Roles >> Line Manager
- View – this allows the line manager to see their staff’s compliance requirements
- Manage – this allows the line manager to complete actions assigned to them relating to their staff’s requirements, for example approving the requirement once a User has completed their tasks. It also allows them to complete their staff’s compliance requirements on their behalf should they need to
- View History – this allows the line manager to view past submissions for this requirement.
- Change Due Date – this allows the line manager to change the date by which the requirement is due.
- Can Edit History – this allows the line manager to edit what has already been submitted.
- Special Roles >> Self – this is user who has been assigned a compliance requirement:
- Organisation / Region / Location roles – you can select who, other than the Self and the Line Manager, can also see and manage the compliance requirements for this Rule Set. For example, you may want to ensure your Organisation's Super Admin can see and manage all user's requirements for example.
- Work through the distinct roles in your permission list to assign the relevant permissions by ticketing the box.
- Click Save
- Your new Permission Rule Set will now appear in the list along with the assigned permissions.
Video Guide - Permission Rule Sets