Reading time 8 mins + 15 mins videos
All events within Radar Healthcare are linked to a workflow. Workflows are the processes which an organisation would like to automate when an event is recorded in the system.
Every organisation has a spreadsheet that documents the workflow configuration in your Live Radar Healthcare system. This spreadsheet is available upon request from the Support team or your Customer Success Manager.
Your spreadsheet should be used to request any changes to your workflows or request new event workflows to be created. If any changes are completed by our Support team and signed off by yourself, we'll send you the updated spreadsheet to ensure you always have the latest configuration for your workflows.
This guide goes into detail for all the areas of the spreadsheet with video guidance to support you.
The Event Workflow Spreadsheet
There are four principal areas of the spreadsheet with their own dedicated tabs:
- Intro - this tab aims to provide all the detail you need to be able to use the spreadsheet to ensure you have this information available immediately.
- Event Summary - this tab aims to provide a headline overview of all your events.
- Triggered Email Summary - this tab contains all the emails which are sent from your events. This allows you to easily filter on events, or on roles to see who is receiving what event emails.
- Event Workflows - Each workflow has its own dedicated tab outlining in detail all the different parts of that event's workflow.
Event Summary
- The Event Summary tab outlines all the key information regarding your event. This includes the following information:
Column | Description |
Event Name (Required) | Name of the Event users will select when reporting a new event. It is also the name seen when running reports and analysing your events. |
Event Reference (Required) | As events are being reported in your system they are numbered sequentially. Characters can pre-fix the event number to indicate the type of event e.g. for Incidents INC-001, INC-002. This can be updated if required. |
Required Form (Optional) | This is the first event-form to be completed by the user when reporting the event. The benefit of having a required form is that it must be completed to report the event and therefore you can ensure all the key questions you need to answer are captured immediately.
Event Workflow Step Priority (Optional) | This controls how the workflow tasks are prioritised on a user's dashboards. This can be High, Medium, or Low, if left blank the priority will be shown as Not Applicable. |
Can be Confidential? (Optional) | (Yes/No) If yes, users will be able to mark the event as confidential when reporting. Read Enabling Confidential Events for more information. |
External Link (Optional) | (Yes/No) If yes, we will provide a link to report this event without logging into Radar Healthcare. Enabling this may be an additional charge. |
VIDEO: Event Summary
Please view the video below to explore the Event Summary tab oVideo time 4.30 minutes].
Triggered Email Summary
- The Triggered Email Summary provides you with a list of all the email notifications being sent across all your events. The benefit of having all the emails on one page is that you're able to filter not just on the event themselves but also the roles the notifications are going to. This way you can easily check if a role is set up to receive the key email alerts you require or reduce them if they are receiving too many. This includes the following information:
Column | Description |
Event (Required) | Name of the Event the email notification relates to. |
Email Trigger (Required) | This lets you know what information triggers the email notification. This may include the following:
Alerts Delivered To (Required) | Where should the email alert be sent? There are two options available:
A separate line should be added for each role/email address that should receive an alert. |
Text to appear in email (Optional) | This is the additional text which should appear within the email alert. All emails include the event reference number, the location, the type of event, and the link. Here you can let us know the additional text you wish to include, such as:
VIDEO: Triggered Email Summary
Please view the video below to explore the Event Summary tab oVideo time 3.30 minutes].
- Each of your events will have its own dedicated tab on the spreadsheet. This will detail all the steps included in the workflow for that event. This will not include emails which are listed on the Triggered Email Summary tab. Each workflow tab includes the following information:
Column | Description |
Task Number (Required) | The order in which the workflow steps present. Step ‘0’ represents the ‘Required Form’ that is completed when the event is reported. Decimal numbers indicate steps that appear at the same time e.g. 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 |
Workflow Task (Required) | There are the names of the steps that are part of your workflow. This could be a Form, Action Plan, Risk Score or Link Related Events step. |
Due Date Timescale (Required) | Timescale to complete the task. This can be in days (d), working days (wd) or months (m). Can be calculated from:
Role Assigned To (Required) | Enter the Radar Role that should be assigned to complete the task (can be the Reporter or Line Manager). Multiple Roles can be listed, separated by a semi-colon (;) and the system will search each Role, in the listed order, until the task is assigned to 1 User with a relevant Role. This is useful for complex organisations with multiple service offerings, varying job roles across different locations, or where users can change frequently and there may be short gaps in roles, and you'd like deputy roles in the workflow to ensure the workflow step is always assigned. Enter the Role exactly as it is named in Radar Healthcare, including correct capitalisation and symbols, to ensure the workflow assigns correctly. |
Trigger for conditional Workflow Tasks (Optional) | If a workflow task always needs to be completed as part of an event, the trigger field can be left blank. If there are any workflow steps that only need to be completed in certain circumstances, record the trigger for conditional workflow tasks to be included in the workflow. rForm Name], tForm Field] = Specific Value e.g. Trigger a ‘Safeguarding Investigation’ form if pIncident Details], SIs this a safeguarding incident?] = YES If you need multiple triggers to happen at the same time, please list them on the spreadsheet and include the word AND / OR between each so we know they need to all occur for that step to appear. |
New Task Email Notification (Optional) | (Yes/No). When the Workflow Task is created send an email notification to the individual User assigned to complete the task. Consider if they would find this useful and how many are required, for example, if the user is going to be picking up all the steps on the workflow, they may only require an initial email alerting them to the workflow. If left blank, no notification will be sent. |
VIDEO: Workflows
Please view the video below to explore the Workflow tabs