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  • The System Permissions relate to the Administration menu options and cover the wider system management functionality. Any system permissions that are assigned grant access to the entire system and are not limited to the user's location or region.


Permission Ref Permission Action
Bulk Assignment Can access bulk assignment tools to configure Radar Healthcare for many users at once.

This permission enables the user to assign different items to multiple users. This functionality can be useful, for example, if a user has left the organisation or changed job role and all items assigned to them need to be reassigned to another user.

This includes:
  • End dated users – this lists all items that are assigned to expired users and need to be reassigned
  • Line managers
  • Event workflow
  • Compliance workflow
  • Actions
  • Documents
  • Risk categories
  • Scheduled tasks
  • Audits

The permission will also cover the entire organisation, regardless of the scope of the user’s role. E.g. a Location or Region role user with Bulk Assignment permission assigned, will be able to reassign items relating to all users across the entire system and will not be limited to just the user’s own Location or Region.

A user with the Bulk Assignment permission can reassign all of the above items, regardless of any other permissions assigned to them.
Can edit forms Can create and edit forms using the form editor.

The form editor is the tool that enables you as an organisation to design and edit the forms used in your events, workforce compliance assignments and scheduled tasks. This permission will allow a user to create and edit any forms in use and publish the updates to users.
Can Grant Event Access Can assign access to restricted Event Types based on the answer to a question within the event.

For example, you may restrict all your recorded incidents, however, if the incident is classified as 'Data Breach' on one of the questions asked you may wish to grant these events to your Data Protection Officer. This way the individual only has access to the specific data related events without seeing any other.
See Event Access Group (Event specific permissions) for more information.
Can manage tags User can manage tags.

The user can create new by typing in the tags box within the relevant item being created (e.g., action plan or document) or by creating the tag in the Tag Management screen. 
Can view email client Can access the email client from the Admin dashboard.

The email client allows the user to view all emails that are sent via Radar Healthcare, including the content of the email.
Manage Access Control Can configure the parts of the system each role can access.

A user with Manage Access Control permission can set the access across the entire organisation, regardless of the scope of the user’s role. E.g., a Location or Region role user with Manage Access Control assigned, will be able to set the access permissions for all roles across the entire system and will not be limited to just the user’s own Location or Region.

A user with the Manage Access Control permission can manage all system permissions, regardless of any other permissions assigned to them.
Manage Audits Can configure audit types and templates.

This permission enables the user to:
  • Upload new Audit templates, including setting the details such as who the authoriser is, any automatic rescheduling and importing the template questions
  • Edit, Copy and Delete existing Audit templates, Edit or Delete the Sections within an Audit template and Edit or Delete the Requirements within Audit Sections
  • Create new Audit Types, including setting the scoring thresholds, setting the colours and text labels for the audit type
  • Edit or Delete an existing Audit template

A user with Manage Audits permission can manage all audits within the system, regardless of any other permissions assigned to them.
Manage Compliance This permission is a legacy permission and no longer has a function. Radar Healthcare will be removing this permission from the list in due course.
Manage Compliance Requirement Assignments Can create and edit compliance requirement assignments.

This enables the user to:
  • View all compliance and training assignments currently set in the system
  • Assign compliance and training requirements to roles and individual users
  • Remove compliance and training requirements from roles and individual users

A user with Manage Compliance Requirement Assignments assigned can manage the assignment of requirements across the entire organisation, regardless of the scope of the user’s role. E.g., a Location or Region role user with Manage Compliance Requirement Assignments assigned, will be able to assign or remove requirements for roles and users across the entire system and will not be limited to just the user’s own Location or Region.

In order for this permission to activate, the user must also have the Manage Compliance permission assigned.
Manage Compliance Requirement Types Can create and edit compliance requirement types.

This permission enables the user to:
  • Create, Edit and Delete permissions rule sets. These are the requirement type permissions, which dictate what an individual assigned a requirement can and cannot see/do
  • Create, Edit and Delete compliance and training requirement types, including the completion period required, the automatic rescheduling period if it is a recurring requirement and the permission rules assigned

A user with Manage Compliance Requirement Types assigned can manage the compliance requirements across the entire organisation, regardless of the scope of the user’s role. E.g., a Location or Region role user with Manage Compliance Requirement Types assigned, will be able to create and edit requirements and set permissions for those requirements across the entire system and will not be limited to just the user’s own Location or Region.

In order for this permission to activate, the user must also have the Manage Compliance permission assigned.
Manage Device Registration Enable and disable mobile devices for the organisation.

When a user downloads the Radar Healthcare App and logs in for the first time, they will need to be approved before being able to access the system. This permission enables this user to approve or block users attempting to access the Radar Healthcare App.
Manage Events And Risk Can configure risk matrices and events.

This permission enables the user to:
  • Create, Edit and Delete Risk Categories
  • Create, Edit and Delete the Risk Matrix, including Creating, Editing and Deleting the Consequences and Likelihoods shown when a user logs a risk
  • View and Edit Custom Lists (only a Smartgate Administrator can create a new Custom List). This includes being able to add new items to or delete items from a customer list. Custom lists may be used in forms to pull through a predefined list of options, e.g., as part of an event form when a user is raising or investigating an event
  • Restrict Event Types to specific roles. This means that only users with the specified roles can raise these events

A user with Manage Events And Risk assigned can manage the events and risks across the entire organisation, regardless of the scope of the user’s role. E.g., a Location or Region role user with Manage Events And Risk assigned, will be able to restrict events to roles and set the risks used across the entire system and will not be limited to just the user’s own Location or Region.

A user with Manage Events And Risk can manage all the above, regardless of any other permissions assigned to them.
Manage Organisation Grants access to manage the organisation hierarchy.

This permission enables the user to Create, Edit and Delete Regions, Locations and Departments.

A user with Manage Organisation assigned can manage the entire organisation, regardless of the scope of the user’s role. E.g., a Location or Region role user with Manage Organisation assigned, will be able to view and manage all areas of the organisation and will not be limited to just the user’s own Location or Region.
Manage Training This permission is a legacy permission and no longer has a function. Radar Healthcare will be removing this permission from the list in due course.
Manage Users Manage users for the organisation.

This permission enables the user to:
  • Add, Edit and Expire/Reactivate all users within the system, including resending an account activation email, updating the user details and assigning them with their Role
  • Create, Edit and Delete user Roles within the system

A user with Manage Users assigned can view and manage all users across the entire organisation, regardless of the scope of the user’s role. E.g., a Location or Region role user with Manage Users assigned, will be able to add and edit users in all areas of the organisation and will not be limited to just the user’s own Location or Region.
Set Users Password Can manually set the password for a user.

The set password button reveals a screen to manually set the password for a user, instead of sending an email to the user’s email address.

For this permission to activate, the user must also have the Manage Users permission assigned.
View audit logs User can view all audit logs.

The audit log displays a full history of activity, including the user (email address) that made the change. Activities logged include updates to user records, updates to permissions, updates to roles assigned, updates to modules such as events (newly reported and changes), actions, audits, compliance etc.

This permission is not restricted by Org, Region or Location scope. A user with this permission will see all activity.
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