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Customising the Risk Register

  • 12 July 2024
  • 0 replies

Reading Time 3 mins



Certain fields on the risk forms can be renamed or have their visibility altered, enabling you to customise what information is captured when logging a risk and how that information is captured. Scroll down to see which fields can be customised


Customisable Fields


Below is a list of fields on the Risk Register which can be customised.


Optional - this means the field can be activated or deactivated by Radar Healthcare.

Help Text - this means text can be added to the field to explain its purpose to your system users.

An example of help text on a question

Rename - this means the name of the question can be retitled to suit your requirements.

At the bottom of this user guide is a spreadsheet you can use to decide on your Risk Register configuration.  Simply choose your configuration choices and send the spreadsheet to Radar Healthcare to make your required changes.


Details Page


The Scope Step
Field Optional Help Text Rename
Category No Yes No
Level of Risk Yes No Yes
Title of Risk Yes Yes No
Description No Yes No
Impact No Yes No


  • We recommend populating your Risk Categories and Level of Risk before activating or launching the Risk Register.


Assurance Step
Field Optional Help Text Rename
Scope Yes Yes No




  • The Assurance step itself is optional and can be activated/removed by Radar Healthcare.  If active, it is possible to restrict who completes the step by assigning the Assurance risk permission to the corresponding roles.
The Assurance Step
Field Optional Help Text Rename
Overall Assurance Yes No No




The Review Step
Field Optional Help Text Rename
Risk appetite No Yes No
Response No Yes No


  • If someone adds a risk to the Risk Register and they are not the risk owner once the risk is created it will automatically put in a review date for the Risk Owner.  This default time frame can be chosen by yourselves and amended by Radar Healthcare.
Field Time Frame
Initial Review x number of Days, Workdays, Weeks, Months, or Years


Inherent Risk Score


Inherent Risk Score Matrix


Field Optional Help Text Rename
Inherent Score Step Yes No No




The approval step


Field Optional Help Text Rename
Approval Step Yes No No


Risk Controls



Feature Optional Help Text Rename
Cost of Control Yes Yes No
Assurance No Yes No
Adequacy No Yes No



Customising the Risk Matrix and Risk Categories


The Risk Matrix

  • The Risk Matrix can be adapted by yourselves at any time.  You do not need Radar Healthcare to adapt this.


  • It is a single Risk Matrix which is used across the Risk module and the Event module.


  • You are able to reword the risk matrix descriptions and the descriptions for the 1 to 5 scores.



Risk Categories


  • Risk are added to categories which you can use to filter and report on.


  • You can create and amend your own Risk Categories, without Radar Healthcare involvement.




Populating the Drop-down Lists

  • New custom lists have been created for these fields:
  1. Level of risk
  2. Objectives
  3. Monitoring Committee
  4. Overall Assurance


  • These lists can be updated in the Administration area of Radar Healthcare.  Go to Administration > Event and Risk > Custom Lists.  Use the Action option to add your Organisation’s relevant options.  For more information on editing custom lists please see our user guide.


Navigating to custom lists


  • By default, these lists will only show ‘Not Applicable’ as an answer:


Not Applicable


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